10 Tips for Migrating to Webflow

Learn how to make your Webflow migration a breeze with these hot tips! We're sharing advice to help you avoid a migration nightmare.

10 Tips for Migrating to Webflow

10 Tips for Migrating to Webflow

Businesses are loving Webflow! Maybe you’re curious about it, and considering whether your brand should migrate to Webflow. We’re diving into all things Webflow migration! We’ll chat about things like: 

  • Is it a good idea for you to migrate to Webflow?
  • Benefits of using Webflow
  • Tips for successful Webflow migration
  • Types of migration
  • Should you hire a Webflow migration agency?

Should you move your site to Webflow? 

Let’s talk about why switching to Webflow for your business website could help you. Here are some key benefits that might make you want to jump ship faster than you can say, “Ahoy, Matey”! 

Benefits of Using Webflow

  1. Fast hosting
  2. User-friendly design
  3. Responsive design
  4. SEO capabilities 
  5. Security 
  1. Fast hosting: Webflow’s hosting is the same as Amazon Web Service (AWS), which means your website loading time will be speedy. It’s kind of like having a car with a lot of horsepower. It can get you where you want to go, fast! If it takes forever for pages to load, users will leave the site. Fast hosting contributes to a lower bounce rate.
  1. User-friendly design: You can easily edit your website with Webflow’s visually responsive design. You don’t have to be a geek like us or know how to code. You can make changes yourself without having to go to a developer for every little thing.
  1. Responsive design: With Webflow, users will have a streamlined experience no matter where they find your website. Whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or computer, Webflow scales the site to fit the device automatically. 
  1. SEO capabilities: Search Engine Optimization features are built into Webflow. SEO is how people find you on search engines like Google. The better your ranking, the more likely people will find you organically online. Webflow allows you to add in page titles, meta descriptions, alt tags, open graph image URLs, and more. With proper SEO, customers will be falling into your lap! 
  1. Security: Webflow provides SSL certificates as standard and also uses encryption throughout the platform to protect data. SSL is what gives a site’s URL the ‘https’ in front, which signals to users that it’s safe to use. Users can confidentially provide personal information like email signups or making eCommerce purchases with peace of mind. Webflow’s security is trusted at the enterprise level. 

Basically, Webflow is kind of a big deal. There are plenty of other benefits, but we don’t want to bore you. If you are interested in digging deeper, check out our blog Webflow: What is it and who is it for?

10 Tips for Ensuring a Successful Webflow Migration

1. Back up your existing website. It’s smart to have a copy handy in case anything goes wrong.

2. Collect and organize any content you need such as images, videos, and media files.

3. Hire a Webflow agency to do the heavy lifting. Save yourself the headache.

4. Lock in web design before Webflow development starts. It’ll save you loads of dev time.

5. Choose a responsive design to make sure the site looks good on all devices.

6. Correctly size images, including icons, to avoid slowing down your website load time/performance.

7. SEO sweep: Use SEO-friendly URLs and add page titles, meta descriptions, and open graph images to every page. It’s tedious, but very necessary.

8. Test before launching! Check every link, tab, and feature to make sure it’s all in working order before going live. Webflow offers a staging link that only you can see.

9. Redirect old URLs to the new site. This is hugely important for SEO. 

10. After the site is live, test out forms such as contact forms and email sign-up’s. You don’t want to miss anything!

Types of Webflow Migration

Domain Migration: Involves changing the main domain name of a website or switching where the domain is registered. People generally do that if they find a better or cheaper domain registration option. Domain migration focuses on Search Engine Optimization and not losing traffic.

UX Design Migration: Puts the user experience first, valuing brand consistency and thorough testing. A design/UX migration could simply mean redesigning your website for a freshening up, staying on the same platform. It could also mean designing a new site and migrating to a new platform. For example, you might already be on Webflow but want a site refresh. Alternatively, you could be on WordPress, let’s say, and want a new web design that you want on Webflow. 

Structural Migration: Fixes SEO errors. It’s like if you had a house with structural damage and was super cluttered and disorganized, you’d hire someone to fix the damage and clean up the mess inside, getting rid of what you don’t need and making everything nice and tidy inside. That way people will want to come hang at your place. Structural migration involves SEO fixes such as broken links, and optimizes for things like easy navigation and SEO-friendly URLs. Make it a habitable and inviting site, just like a home!

Platform migration: This means moving from one content management system (CMS) to a different one. For example, moving from Squarespace to Webflow. You could also call this CMS migration. That makes sure data is transferred accurately as well as making sure the features on the different platforms are compatible. Team training is helpful so the team is familiar with the changes of the new platform and how to use it.

Hiring a Webflow Development Agency to Migrate

Do you need a Webflow development agency to migrate? It will save you a lot of time and trouble. Hiring a Webflow professional to help you with your Webflow migration is a sure way to make sure nothing gets overlooked. Consider the value of your time, resources and limitations, and budget when deciding if you want to hire a Webflow development agency.

Our team at Always Fresh can help you with all things Webflow migration. We have a team of Webflow experts as well as SEO specialists, Webflow web designers, web developers, and more. We even offer WaaS (Website as a Service) if you want a completely fresh, custom Webflow site. You’ll be in great hands with us! Pop on over to our contact page, and let’s get the party started!

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