Design Study

A brand new website for a fast-growing church

Grace Fishers came to Always Fresh as a brand new church with big ambitions and a fast-growing audience. They needed a website that reflected them as the new church on the block but also with enough scope to grow with them.

Grace Fishers
The Problem
Grace Fishers were a brand new church with a new building and no online presence. They wanted to attract an audience, but the audience didn't know they existed.
The Solution
A custom website that makes full use of Webflow's super diverse Collections, their website continues to gain new functionality as they continue to grow.
The Result
A website that can be run by a single person with new events added regular and messages added each week. When Grace Fishers need new functionality, we can add it!
Grace Fishers

The client's

Our take.

"We are blown away by the website! We love how it looks and it's so easy to use! The on-going support has also been really helpful."
Joey Christianson
Pastor - Next Gen
Grace Fishers
Services used

Web Design (UI/UX)

Webflow Development

Webflow SEO

Grace Fishers

It's so important to think about what you want your website to do in the future as well as right now.

A lot of clients have an immediate need, but it's our job to find out what they need their website to do in the future. Where possible we try and build in functionality a brand may need in future from launch. That way when they need it, it's right there ready to go.

Grace Fishers

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